An Ode to Resilience: Stand Up by Bianca Ciocca

"Stand Up," Bianca Ciocca's latest track, is an ode to resilience and the power of standing tall in the face of adversity. Born from a time of deep depression and a profound sense of disappointment with human relations, this song is a reflection of a challenging Berlin winter and the experience of losing someone dear. It's a rallying cry to find strength and rise, stronger and perhaps wiser. The song is an integral part of her upcoming album "Bubble of Screams," which is set to bring a deeper, more mature perspective to her music. Spanning from Hip Hop to Neo Soul, this album, releasing in 2024, is expected to be an experimental electronic milestone in Bianca's career.

An Ode to Resilience: Stand Up by Bianca Ciocca An Ode to Resilience: Stand Up by Bianca Ciocca Reviewed by Albert Miller on 26.11.23 Rating: 5

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